Monday, November 30, 2009

The Gift of Nutrition

As you look for that "right thing" to get your loved ones this holiday season, please consider giving...

In front of Casa Base de Salud with three of our sponsored children

The Gift of Nutrition

Give the gift of nutrition this holiday season. Through Manna Project's Child Sponsorship Program, $20/month provides oatmeal, milk, vitamins, and basic medical care to an undernourished child living in Central America's largest populated dump.

Life inside Managua's city dump, known as "La Chureca," reserves a particularly foul brand of injustice for the children who have no choice in what they call "home." Proximity to trash, animals, toxic runoff, and burning chemicals result in high rates of parasite infection, skin and respiratory disease, anemia, and lead poisoning. As if risk of sickness were not enough, many children in La Chureca suffer from chronic undernourishment.

What We Do

MPI's Child Sponsorship Program targets undernourished children in their most critical stages of development. By providing vitamins, milk, and oatmeal for each child, as well as basic medical care, we are able to partly relieve the harsh sentence of their surroundings.

MPI partners with and funds Casa Base de Salud health center in Chureca to provide primary health care free of charge to those living among the trash. Clinic staff host required health talks for the mothers of sponsored children. If you are unable to sponsor a child, financial support of any size will help contribute to the lifeline of Casa Base clinic.

Sponsoring a Child

The unyielding conditions of La Chureca constantly bring new cases of undernourishment to our attention. $20 a month provides nourishment to a child that would otherwise go without it. As our volunteers and Program Directors raise their own funds, every dollar given to Child Sponsorship goes directly to feeding your sponsored child.

To sponsor a child or for more information please email us at or follow the link below to visit us online. Your gift recipient's name will be added with your sponsored child's picture to Manna Project's website.

Thank you for taking the time to consider sponsoring a child.

Our sincerest regards,
The Child Sponsorship Team

Manna Project International
PO Box 121052
Nashville, TN 37212

Thank you considering our sponsored families this holiday season.

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