Saturday, March 27, 2010

Semana Santa - Holy Week

Friday welcomed me and the rest of Central America to the phenomenon known as Semana Santa, Holy Week. For the 9 days preceeding Easter (and even the day after), there is no school, mucha fiesta (lots of party), religious demonstrations, and tons of travel. Managua basically shuts down and moves to the beach. Even the biggest discoteca Chaman is relocated to the sands of San Juan del Sur. Like I said, mucha fiesta...
For the Manna volunteer, Semana Santa brings a plethora of options. Some chose to spend time with loved ones in the States; others are spending time with loved ones in Managua (and like I said, by Managua, I mean the beach...). Another option is having your loved ones come to you. With a week off to enjoy the heat and the sun, what better time to welcome friends down to pass the time and catch up on the past 8 months? Finally, the last option is to join the thousands of others who use the time to travel around Central America. After a sleepy farewell to my roommate upon her 3:30am depature to Guatemala via El Salvador, my friend Kelly and I went to catch our 8:15am direct flight to Panama.
The following updates will be my ideas, expectations, adventures, reactions, and insight into the 5th Central American country I've been blessed to conocer, visit. Please pardon the fact that my next few posts will be from the perspective of a tourist in Panama versus an NGO volunteer in Nicaragua. I hope you will enjoy the following tales!

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