Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Life (in Nicaragua) is Beautiful

Stealing a blog idea from my fellow PD Anina, here are a few pictures of Nicaragua because, well, life is beautiful.

Church in Estelí, Nicaragua (I later received a handmade, stone-carved replica.)

Beach at Pochomil, Nicaragua

Beach, Bicycle, Horse, and Dog - Pochomil, Nicaragua

Neary Tisey Nature Reserve (Outside of Estelí, Nicaragua)

My rooftop view of the sunset - Managua, Nicaragua

Volcan Masaya - near Masaya, Nicaragua

Statute of Sandino, Nicaraguan flag - Managua, Nicaragua

El Salero Community Center - Managua, Nicaragua

Be still and know that I am God ... Psalm 46:10

Sometimes, it's good to just be still and enjoy the beauty of creation. Can I get an "Amen?"

1 comment:

  1. That second picture is so beautiful. Makes me ache to be there!
